PTSD stands for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, a mental health condition that can develop after experiencing/witnessing a traumatic life-threatening event. these events could be combat in the military, abuse as a child, relentless, physical bullying at school, or surviving a natural disaster.
having PTSD means undergoing intrusive thoughts, flashbacks, nightmares, and even physical reactions to reminders of the trauma. the specific symptoms of PTSD are discussed in more detail in our other article, if you’d like to read more.
a day in the life of a PTSD warrior could mean waking up feeling anxious and on edge, instead of relaxed or well-rested. throughout the day, a person suffering from PTSD may intentionally not participate in certain daily activities that may trigger memories of the trauma. because of constantly reliving some experiences, warriors may have difficulty concentrating on work or other responsibilities. at night, PTSD can keep someone from sleeping well, due to frequent nightmares.
PTSD, as someone on the writing team stated, is like a “traumatic memory replaying in your brain like a broken speaker.” this can make it hard to live a normal life because the trauma haunts you and keeps getting in the way.
I truly hope I explained PTSD well, and that this article opened someone’s mind or helped you learn something new.
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