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a list of trusted and accessible resources to help you with your mental health!


emergency resources/services


befrienders worldwide 


* suicide prevention + distress/crisis support.

* available globally, 24/7.

* languages available: most to all. 

go to, select your country, and simply read + follow the directions presented.



suicide prevention hotline


* available nationwide in the US, 24/7

* languages available: english, español


call 988 or 1-800-273-8255

text "MHA" to 741741



resources for POC


* suicide prevention + distress support specifically for people of color

* available nationwide, 24/7 

* languages available: english, español, and more.


access the pdf, read through the resources/organizations and choose what is appropriate for you :)



the trevor project 


* suicide prevention for the LGBTQ+ community

* available nationwide, 24/7.

* languages available: english.


call 1-866-488-7386


text “START” to 678-678


transgender lifeline​


* resources specific for transgender people

* safe, trusted, and run by transgender individuals

* languages available: english 

* countries available: united states, canada


call 877-565-8860 (US)

call 877 330 6366 (CAN)

general mental health + selfcare resources




the positivity blog

the positivity blog is as good as the name! here you can find tips, inspiration, encouragement, and support via engaging blogs.




calm is a very popular and free app that is dedicated to boosting your health and happiness. you can use it to improve sleep quality, meditation/focus, or your overall self in general. you can also use it to identify and reduce stress + anxieties that you may be having. 



moodfit is a mood tracker that doesn’t only track, but helps your mood. they help you understand, organize, and improve your mood on the daily. just like how a fitness tracker helps you “get in shape” physically, moodfit helps you “get in shape” mentally :)



sanvello is an amazing app that reduces anxieties, excessive worrying and stresses you may have in your life. via guided journey, mood tracking, coping tools, and progress assessments, they keep you on track and help you meet your goals! 


7 cups

a free therapy service that offers 24/7 support from a trained volunteer listener, and 24/7chat rooms. it is great if you're looking to vent or you're looking for emotional support! sometimes it's better if it's a stranger. 


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